DCAD technical is DCAD VectorSpace's own design assistant.
DCAD technical brands itself as a "design assistant and analyst" for DCAD VectorSpace and will serve as a complete manager of a design's technical data in the near future.
DCAD technical includes a series of functionalities adept to both DCAD VectorSpace's file verification as well as the editing of their quotation, text and other elements.
It's therefore possible to run automatic quotations in different modes, search and replace text in 2D drawing, find and edit font height, fill colour for 2D elements in .DXF and .DWG formats in which they're normally not covered, search and fix errors in graphical elements after a .DXF or .DWG importation.
DCAD technical also has a special "DSL" environment (Direct Storage Library) which can be used to organise any 2D or 3D library object-related files and convert them into functions so that their symbologies can be organised and quickly recalled in DCAD VectorSpace.